What exactly is friendship? The term “friend” has become devalued in these social media times. You can have thousands of so called friends. But friendship was created as so much more. God brings friends into our lives share in joyful times, and to be His voice when we feel like we can't make it anymore. They are the ones that make His heartbeat an audible thing.
When I think of friendship, I remember the story of Moses when the Israelites went to battle. God told Moses that as long as he held his arms up, the Israelites would win. The battle went on and Moses' arms began to fall. His friends stepped in. They held his arms up so the entire nation could have victory.
I know that God calls me to hold up my friends. We’re in a battle to show the love of God to a sometimes not so lovable world. There are times when my victories are dependent on the strength of my relationships. I might not ever know the impact their support to me and my support to them will have on the world.
There are battles that will be impossible for me to win without my friends, but if I never let them know how much I depend on and need them, I will lose because of my isolation.
Friendships are so of God. When we make a choice to care for someone, to make them a part of our lives when we don't have to, I think God smiles. I will forever be grateful that God made the choice to care about me. To invest in me. Even when I hurt Him. Even when it isn't easy or convenient for Him. Where would I be if He hadn't made that choice?
To all my friends, thank you. I can't ever express how much it means to me that you are my friend. That you made that choice. I hope that you will always know that when you are tired and in the midst of your battles, I will be there to hold you up. And I know that you would be there for me, too.
Let's go win some battles together.