It's not always appealing to do the right thing. I mean, I want to do the right thing. But then a different way comes up that seems to be easier or better. And after all the ends justify the means, right? Sometimes it even looks like people who live their lives anyway they want have the most fun and success. Being selfish and breaking rules can look very appealing and like it has great rewards...great short term rewards. What I don't always see or notice are the long term consequences that come along with those choices.
Godliness isn't easy, but it actually guards us. When we follow God's laws we are protected from consequences that we don’t even know are possible. It can also make our lives simpler. Not easier, but simpler. Consider Mark Twain’s statement, “If I tell the truth, I don’t have to remember anything.” The truth sometimes is tough to acknowledge, but sticking with it removes a complexity that makes our lives unmanageable. Telling the truth is a specific example, but in general the godly actions we should take are clear, and we have know that He will bless us for them.
Some great song lyrics say, “Sometimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.” This is so true and something I grapple with regularly. The easy road is tempting. It lies to me and says that the fight isn’t worth it. That I should just relax and do whatever feels best at the time. But can you point out a great life that was all about the easy life? I look at the history books and the amazing people around me and I just don’t see it. The low road might seem free of sacrifice, but man does it have a high cost.
Be encouraged, dear heart. Our efforts to do the right thing even when it hurts isn't being overlooked. God sees you, and has great rewards for you.