Life isn't easy, but how we receive the power to live it is relatively simple.
I am directed to rejoice always. Always? ALWAYS. Even when the promise hasn’t been fulfilled. Even when I hurt. Even in the midst of grief. Even when I don’t get my way. Not because my situation feels good, but because God IS good. He is eternally worthy of my praise. He is faithful and true, working all things together for good. We come to Him rejoicing not because of our circumstances, but because of who He is.
I’m told to pray continually because God is always speaking. He wants to share His wonderful thoughts. My prayers should be less about talking at God, and more about speaking with Him to hear His guidance, correction, assurance, and intentions. This is what helps me fulfill the other two directions in this verse. I can’t rejoice and give thanks in hard times because I’m just so gosh darn strong. I can only do this because I hear from Him and it reminds that in the midst of my mess He is there. It reminds me of who He is, and who I am no matter what I am going through. I am reminded of His love every time I hear His voice.
I’m commanded to give thanks because He is so much to me, and has done so much for me. If my life and salvation was all He ever gave me, it would be infinitely more than enough! But He has given me so much beyond that. When I have a thankful heart, it tunes me in to see the beauty that God has filled my life with.
This perspective and approach to my day to day isn’t something I’ve got locked down. Too often I let my emotions and experiences define my outlook. But what could my life look like if it was filled with these three principles?