This is a verse that is so familiar. It's read at weddings, used on Valentine's Day, and is one that children memorize in Sunday school. It makes us feel good, this picture of love.
What isn't often talked about in our world is that this verse shows us that love is just as much, if not more, about doing as it is about feeling. Everything in the list is demonstrated through action. Patience is shown through how you respond to people and situations. Kindness is in word and deed. Not envying? That's another thing that you express to people when you celebrate their success and blessings, even when you aren't experiencing your own. The list goes on, but all these attributes of love are shown in our behavior.
These things are the true obligation and honor of love. The feelings are great, and help us get started, but they aren't always around when we have to make the tough decision to treat someone with love when they aren't acting very lovable.
And with all those great actions, we also have to make sure that we aren't keeping a record of all the times we were so loving in order to create a balance sheet or hold it against people later. We must give this love away for free, with no expectation of return. This in particular goes against our cultures mantra of "be good to me and I will be good to you."
Aren't we glad Jesus didn't expect us to pay Him for His sacrifice? That we didn't have to improve before He would love us?
Look for opportunities to not just feel love, but to BE love. I'm sure you'll find some.