What can I do when I don't know what to do? Where do I go with the hard questions? Things like how to share about Him with a friend, handle a broken relationship, which job to go after, or if I’m really called to make a difference? Or, what do I ask when I don't even know what to ask? Before phoning twelve friends or even using Google I need to run to God. He knows all and is the source of all (more than YouTube 😉) - and He gives generously of His knowledge.
What keeps me from asking God? Sometimes I feel like I need to be the one to work things out. Like by this point in my life I should be capable of having everything resolved before I go to Him. Which is actually pretty ridiculous. He didn’t save perfect me, He saved unsure, unequipped, unworthy me. He loves when I show Him that I trust and value what He has to share with me. He doesn't find fault. He is just waiting for us to ask, because that positions us to hear and makes us open to receiving the understanding of the BEST way instead of our way.
Sometimes I’m pretty sure that I won’t like His answer, because it will probably mean that I need to take the risk, or humble myself, or do the thing I least want to do. But again, the best way is His way, and oftentimes the hardest thing and the right thing are the same.
The one requirement (and this is the hardest part) is that when we ask, we don't doubt. We have to believe that God is who He says He is, He can do what He says He can do, and that we are who He says we are. We need to have faith that He wants to give to us. That He literally know everything and desires to show us great and unsearchable things that we don’t already know. Doubt is a dream killer. It causes us to be tossed around because we have lost our anchor of faith.
Today I’m asking God to remove my doubts and fan the flame of faith. I want to challenge you to do the same. He has so much peace giving wisdoms to share, we just need to believe it enough to ask.