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Writer's pictureAlicia Saint Ives

You Are Delightful

God is so good to us, sometimes it leads me to wonder why. Why would the master and maker of the entire universe be so good to me? How could the one who is perfect in every way look at me and care? I constantly fail and fall. I make the wrong decision even when I know the right one, I choose my comfort over my calling, I focus on what I don’t have instead of what I do. One minute I'm proclaiming His greatness, the next minute I'm questioning His plans. Why does He continue to love and bless me in spite of all my faults?

It’s because for all we lack, God delights in us. Let that sink in for a minute. He doesn't tolerate you, He doesn't act based on obligation, His love is not a duty, He finds you delightful. The reality is that this is much more about who He is than who we are. It doesn’t say He rescues us if and when we are delightful, He rescues us because He has CHOSEN to delight in us.

Even with all our flaws He sees someone that He is madly in love with. He looks at me and sees who He created me to be, not who I’ve allowed life, sin, and hurt to make me. He sees the one He died for. He calls me beautiful. So because of that great love, He rescued and continues to rescue me. Sometimes even from myself.

I’m constantly tempted to focus on everything I’m not. Not kind enough, talented enough, educated enough, skinny enough, funny enough, or pretty enough. But God says the opposite. He says that because of His Son and His sacrifice, I’m enough. I can be everything He’s calling me to be. But for me to remember that, I’ve got to constantly spend time with the one who loves me the most. I’ve got to ask Him to show and remind me of the things about me that delight Him. I need to rest in His unfailing affection. We all need this. If you take that time I can promise you'll be amazed at the refreshing for your soul that will come from experiencing the love of the only one who knows every bit about you and loves you anyway.

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